Step 1 - Select More

From the "Cloud Buttons" section on the left-hand side of the page, Click More


Step 2 - Edit

Click Edit to edit the button


Step 3 - Disable a Token

Modify the desired settings and fields

  1. From the drop down, select Disable

CleanShot 2022-04-02 at 14.02.19@2x.png

  1. Check the box next to the tokens you wish to disable.
  2. Click Save

CleanShot 2022-04-02 at 14.02.58@2x.png

<aside> 💡 If SMS Text is selected for the message type, and the message entered in the Message box is longer than 160 Characters when the "Save" button has been pressed the message below in green will be displayed.


<aside> ❗ To save the message anyway and accept the additional charges, Click "SAVE" again to save the Cloud Button.
