PAD's are AWS IoT (1-Click) Buttons that were made by Amazon to provide a simple way to initiate an action from a reported event. PAD buttons have three functions Single Click, Double Click, and Long Click.

Step 1 - PADs

Click on PADs under the Devices heading at the bottom of the page.


Step 2 - PAD Device Overview

The PAD Device Overview page shows a list of all PAD devices that have been configured and registered to the StaffAlerter website for your Organization.

  1. Add New - Allows new devices to be registered to the StaffAlerter website.
  2. Search - Allows searching by Serial Number of the device or User Name associated to the device.
  3. Device Table
    1. Serial Number - Click to view the device Serial number and associated User.
    2. User Name - User assigned to the device
    3. Edit - Allows editing of each device.
