
The StaffAlerter Desktop Alert application allows for notification screen pop up also known as desktop take over during an event. The Desktop Alert application works on both MAC and Windows and runs in the background in the system tray.


The Desktop Alert software authenticates the user with your StaffAlerter website and provides four (4) full screen notification options and two (2) dialog box notification options.

Full Screen Notifications

The four full screen notification options are:

  1. ALARM - Red Screen with audible alert
  2. WARNING - Yellow Screen
  3. NOTICE - Green Screen
  4. INFO - Blue Screen

Below is an example of each alert:





Dialog Box Notifications

Dialog boxes should not be used for emergency communications as they will not show up over top of applications and are easier for users to miss. The two dialog box notifications are:

  1. Info
  2. Warning

Below are examples of each dialog box:




Windows MSI Installation

Run the correct MSI Installation file for your OS version

  1. Click “Next” to begin the installation
  2. Verify “Main Application” is selected along with the “Launch On Login”
  3. Click “Install” to start the installation